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제 5 호 Cellphones Allowed on Military Bases

  • 작성일 2020-03-21
  • 좋아요 Like 3
  • 조회수 17862


Cellphones Allowed on Military Bases

Permitted Since a Year Ago, Is It Good to Continue?

By Dong-wook Kim, Reporter


  It has been a year since the usage of cellphones on military bases has been allowed. But there seems to be a lot of controversial talk between people about this. There are some thoughts that this policy can bring positive effects on military bases and, on the contrary, there are some people who think that this will not. What are your opinions?

Cellphones on military bases bring more positive effects than negative effects:

  One of the finest inventions of the world, cellphones, have become a core machine to communicate between people. Even in a harsh environment, like in North Korea, millions of cellphones are being circulated. This is the original nature of humans to communicate and contact with each other. Even if the crack down on soldiers is going on, they will still find a way to carry their phones to military bases and use them. Then is the regulation necessary?

Soldiers using cellphones during their free time

  Also, the usage of cellphones has enhanced the soldiers’ reputation to be more like a social person as a society member. Some people might worry about soldiers overusing cellphones. Soldiers are allowed to use cellphones from a fixed time away from training time. They use cellphones in their leisure time and return their cellphones while training. In this way, the soldiers can have a fun time while resting and this can have a positive effect on their training.

Cellphones in military can be poisonous to soldiers:

  The purpose of military service is to win in case of a war. To achieve victory, we need to strengthen the bond between soldiers. This comes from soldiers spending time together in real life, but what will they do with the cellphones? Probably they are likely to be more attracted to their machines than to their colleagues. This can be the cause of growing individualism among soldiers leading to worsen combat powers.

Soldiers having a fun time without using their cellphones

  We cannot overlook the possibility of a leak of national security. The problem has not happened yet. However, there are no guarantees in the future that it will not occur. If cellphones are widely spread on military bases, the chance of national information leaks increases. This can lead to North Korea getting crucial information about our country.

  The controversy is continuing over these two opinions. However, one thing is for sure. If the cellphone usage continues, it should be done in a way that does not affect negatively our country. On the contrary, if it harms the national interest, the policy should be stopped immediately.


