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제 13 호 Recent Updates on Quarantine Rules : How-to Stay Safe

  • 작성일 2022-03-02
  • 좋아요 Like 2
  • 조회수 11586

Kicker : LIFE

Recent Updates on Quarantine Rules : How-to Stay Safe

Omicron Variant Has Caused Some Changes

Do-Hyuk Kim, Reporter


  When the world first encountered COVID-19, everyone was surprised by this unfamiliar virus. Everyone was exceptionally precautious even about getting out of their homes, and two-digit number of daily COVID-19 diagnosis was considered critical. Things have changed since, due to the development of vaccineS and appearance of new COVID-19 virus’ variants. Currently ongoing variant – the omicron – is much easier to be spread while its severity dropped dramatically. This is a good sign for humanity finally facing the end of this COVID-19 pandemic, since the decline of being fatal and being easily spread means this virus will be considered uninfluential just like a cold. But it’s not completely over until it’s over, so the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) recently released new quarantine rules for this omicron-infested world. It’s probably a good time to check it out, so take a careful look at this article to stay away from the omicron variant.

  A short history lesson time of corona virus preventions- : The first phase of quarantine rules completely blocked citizen’s social activities, because tracking corona-holder took a lot of effort and catching COVID-19 led to death in the elderly population. Then vaccines from several companies turned up after a long, awaited wait – required change in quarantine rules. The government and KCDC encouraged people to be vaccinated, and released some of the restrictions only for those who got fully vaccinated finishing the second shot. This second phase of quarantine rules was sort of credit for the vaccinated population, and was a desperate measure for economic downfall due to forever-lasting COVID-19 virus.

  Quarantine rules for the omicron variant focuses on the third vaccine shot, since again, omicron variant has high infectivity while the fatality rate is making a big step backwards. Current quarantine rules can be classified as the third phase for preventive measures for spread of COVID-19. Daily cases for coronavirus infections skyrocketed to six figures for the first time, so the first or second quarantine rules are no longer effective for now. The first item on the list of new quarantine rules is a getting booster shot as quickly as possible. Side effects reported from vaccines are currently dragging some people away from getting vaccinate, but statistics tell that getting a booster shot keeps most of us safe while having minute a possibility of something going wrong. Reported cases of side effects from vaccines definitely exists, and I also feel sorry for those who suffer from severe problems. However, the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently additionally confirmed the Pfizer vaccine for over twelve year olds and a small amount of it for five to eleven year olds. Even though problems from vaccines are still taking place, getting vaccinated drops the percentage of you being infected and suffering from the aftereffect of coronavirus. A third shot boosts this tendency even further.

  Second is to wear KF-certified masks properly in enclosed places. KCDC represents these places as ‘Enclosed, Overpopulated, Intimate’ properties. Both infected people and uninfluenced ones wearing masks can keep most of us safe from newly getting COVID-19. Even though current daily infected cases are around two hundred thousand infectees, masks help us stay away from this virus. KF-certified masks have proper capability of blocking viruses, so everyone had better wear them despite having some inconveniences to stay safe. Third is to reduce meeting others, but it’s nothing new or special during this long quarantine days. Personal gatherings are only allowed a maximum of six people.

  The elderly are especially fragile to coronavirus because their immune system is in decline and easily compromised. If suspicious symptoms suddenly appear one day, they should immediately get PCR testing for confirming their safety. Ordinary population can take self-test first and when positive reaction turns out, then they can get PCR testing at a selected list of medical clinics. Excluding risky, aged people, most people can treat omicron by themselves, too. Colorado University from America suggested omicron infectees to drink a sufficient amount of water. Headaches and muscular pain can be relieved by taking Tylenol or Advil. Finally, sore throat can be resolved partially by cleaning up the throat with Povidone say French and Japanese researchers.

  COVID-19 virus is weaker than ever in its omicron variant form. Still, even if its symptoms are less critical to many of us, coronavirus can still cause problems to anyone who gets infected. These are quarantine rules and tips to stay safe from coronavirus so we can meet together at a point when no one is wearing a mask anymore and worries about getting infected is a relic of the past. Experts are predicting that the omicron variant would be the pinnacle of daily infection numbers, so let’s keep an eye on how we finally get out of the tunnel while the days of COVID-19 gradually pass away.

Sources :



  https://m.dongascience.com/news.php?idx=50944 (Picture)