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제 20 호 “140+ in Cheonan”, A Commemorative Event of the 140th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations Between Korea and Germany

  • 작성일 2023-11-25
  • 좋아요 Like 1
  • 조회수 7126

Kicker: SM NEWS

“140+ in Cheonan”, A Commemorative Event of the 140th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations Between Korea and Germany

By Yun-Seo Jung, Reporter


          It has been 140 years since Korea and Germany established diplomatic relations. And the conclusion of the Korea-German Employment Agreement also celebrated its 60th anniversary. In commemoration of this, the German-speaking Regional Studies major at the Global Humanities College of Sangmyung University and the Korean & German Teachers Council jointly hosted the commemorative event, “140+ in Cheonan (140 jahre deutch-koreanische beziehungen)”, that was co-directed by Sangmyung University and Dankook University. "140+ in Cheonan" is an event that discusses ways to enhance bilateral cooperation, with the theme of "Steps for the Future of Korea and Germany in Cheonan," and aims to promote and pursue mutual development.

       This event, which took the form of explanation and discussion, was held on November 2nd at the Sangmyung University Academic Information Center, Room 404. Then, the event was organized in four parts, showing various topics such as industry, culture, and education in Korea and Germany. The first part of the program focused on industrial talent and midsize companies, explaining the challenges of Korean midsize companies in the next 10 years and soft skills that will give a competitive advantage for future talent. The second part of the program offered a glimpse into German culture with the play <Schneewittchen> by Dankook University students and the choir performance <Hänschen klein/Lieblingsmensch> by Sangmyung University students. Part three consisted of a special lecture on education in Korea and Germany, covering the study abroad and scholarship system in Germany in 2023 and academic experiences in Germany and Korea, and Part four concluded with German unification, churches, and closing remarks.


Historical relations between Korea and Germany

        The diplomatic history between Korea and Germany begins with the 1882 Treaty of Peace, Amity, Commerce and Navigation, United States–Korea Treaty of 1882. After the Treaty of Amity and Commerce between Korea and the United States was signed, Germany also tried to establish diplomatic relations with us using this opportunity, and eventually, the Germany-Korea Treaty was signed on November 26, 1883, with the efforts of von Brandt, Paul Georg von Müllendorf, and Edward Jobpe, the German Consul General in Yokohama.Through the intermediary of the Catholic Church, Koreans were sent to Germany as nurses and miners, and over time, the economic cooperation between the two countries became closer, with the signing of the Korea-Germany Miners' Agreement and the Korea-Germany Cultural Agreement in 1970.

         On April 4, the 140th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Germany was held in Signiel Seoul, "Economy has always been an important foundation of German-Korean bilateral relations," said Reiffenstuel, adding that he hopes to expand in cooperation in areas ranging from science and research to culture, and etc. He urged Germany and Korea to embrace the opportunities provided by innovations in energy storage, smart grids, renewable energy, zero-emission vehicles, eco-friendly, and energy-efficient buildings that lead the development of new industries. In particular, Reiffenstuel regards that economic cooperation between Germany and Korea has great potential in green industries, renewable energy including offshore wind and solar, and the hydrogen sector. In this way, Korea and Germany have had a cooperative relationship for a very long time, and this year marks the 140th anniversary.This event has great significance in commemorating the 140th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Germany and in promoting future relations.I hope that we will continue to maintain good economic cooperation with each other for a long time.

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