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제 17 호 Winter Workshop by Sangmyung University’s Newspaper and Broadcasting System

  • 작성일 2023-02-17
  • 좋아요 Like 2
  • 조회수 10876

Kicker: SM NEWS

Winter Workshop by Sangmyung University’s Newspaper and 

Broadcasting System

by Da-Hwee Kim, Editor-in-chief / Ji-Min Baek, Reporter


  From February 9th to 10th, 2023, Sangmyung University's newspaper and broadcasting station winter workshop was held at Sangmyung Daecheon Training Center for a total of 2 days and 1 night. This workshop is very meaningful in that it is an offline event that has been held for the first time in about three years since the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, let's dive into the scene of the vivid workshop!

                             텍스트, 실외, 도로, 하늘이(가) 표시된 사진  자동 생성된 설명Sangmyung Daecheon Training Center

Who Were the Participants?

  This workshop was held under the leadership of Director In-Chul Kim, who is the director of a newspaper and broadcasting station and a professor of intellectual property major. Assistant Sa-Rah Chae from the Seoul Campus and Assistant Professor Ji-Hoon Park from the Cheonan Campus also led the workshop.

  In the case of students, a total of 25 students from SMBS (Sangmyung Broadcasting System) (Seoul, Cheonan), The SM Herald (English press), Jaha School Magazine Editing Department, and Sangmyung University Newspaper participated. (Originally, there are way more members, but students who had difficulty attending the workshop due to personal reasons were inevitably unable to attend.)

Winter Workshop Program Table





Thursday 9th February


Departure (1st)

- Seoul Campus


Departure (2nd)

- Cheonan Campus





- Sangmyung Daecheon Training Center

(Group shot with the banner)


 Introduction by each media

- All media companies’ cooperation meeting

- At the conference room

- Distribution of workshop materials

- PPT 


Media Conference

- Achievements

- Improvements

- 2023 Plan

- Suggestions




Team Building

 - Daecheon Beach


Dinner & After-party



Friday 10th February







 - Seoul Campus

Main Activities 

#1 Press presentations and meetings

  The first major schedule was announcements by media outlets. Each media division introduced its own media company and reported the achievements made last year (2022). At the meeting that was done after, we had time to sit together with each media company and discuss the 2023 promotion plan and expected effects. It was a meaningful time as we were able to set the direction to move forward and discuss areas for improvement.

                                         실내, 천장, 사람, 벽이(가) 표시된 사진  자동 생성된 설명텍스트이(가) 표시된 사진  자동 생성된 설명

#2 Team building

  Right after the meeting, we moved to Daecheon Beach, which is not far from the training center. Here, we were divided by media outlets and had free time to get to know each other better. All the students had a good time taking pictures at the beach, chatting at the cafe, and eating snacks.

나무, 실외, 하늘, 그룹이(가) 표시된 사진  자동 생성된 설명Group Photo of the SM Herald Reporters

#3 After-party

After dinner, an after-party was held at the training center. We had so much fun that we didn't even notice that it was morning because we were talking about things we hadn't been able to tell.

Interviews on Winter Workshop 

  First of all, Professor In-Chul Kim, the director of the newspaper and broadcasting station, said "The winter workshop was different from the original plan." The original intention was to carry out the workshop with the purpose of studying together and mutual exchange. Accordingly, he tried to request an external instructor, but there were practical problems such as schedule. Therefore, if possible, the next workshop, the summer workshop, would be held with a reporter or PD to help students at the newspaper and broadcasting station learn many things through the workshop. He also said that the four media companies in the university did not seem compatible through this workshop. Furthermore, he said that when the four media companies harmonize and interact, they can help each other and create more things and that this problem should be reconsidered. 

  Do-Hyuk Kim, the reporter from the SM Herald in this winter's workshop said, "It was a meaningful experience to attend the workshop for the first time since becoming a member of a newspaper and broadcasting station." In addition, she said that she was able to know them by listening to presentations with other media company introductions and improvements, and after listening to the presentation, it was a good time to have a meeting and think about our media company again.

  There are some regrets and good things about this winter workshop, which was held for the first time since COVID-19, but I think it would have been a good experience for the members. Using this workshop as a stepping stone, I hope it will become a newspaper and broadcasting station of Sangmyung University that will further develop in the future.

Sources: All photos are taken by Da-Hwee Kim and Ji-Min Baek