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제 14 호 Peerorum: One Step Closer to Your Dream

  • 작성일 2022-05-22
  • 좋아요 Like 1
  • 조회수 8755

Kicker: SM NEWS

Peerorum: One Step Closer to Your Dream

                                                                                                                    by Da-hwee Kim, Cub-reporter


샘물 상명대학교 포털시스템 피어오름 (smu.ac.kr)

  Are you eager to achieve something special besides devotion to your studies? If that’s the case, “Peerorum” would be the best answer. “Peerorum” is a one and only extracurricular program unique to our university. As the name suggests, it refers to various programs (such as SM-URP, Sangmyung Tutoring, etc.) that you can do with your peers and make a new leap forward. Shall we figure out together the basic concept of “Peerorum” and what kind of benefits we can gain from it?

What is Orum Education and Peerorum?

  Peerorum basically belongs to Orum education. Orum Education is an education brand of Sangmyung University that develops self-confidence and competency to achieve high dreams. And it consists of three courses:Nabiorum (major curriculum), which is a predictable future education like Navigation, Naraorum (liberal education curriculum), which is an education with a strong foundation based on SM-IN core competency, and Peerorum (extracurricular curriculum), an education that grows with peers. 

  In short, ‘Peerorum’ basically refers to the extracurricular program which is a program-type curriculum that does not grant credits other than major and liberal arts courses, and refers to planned and systematic activities to achieve the educational goals of the university. Its ultimate educational goal is to pursue global citizenship education to practice cooperation and service in preparation for participating in the future society.


Configuration of Peer Oreum Map

  Our school is promoting the extracurricular program to students through the ‘Peerorum Map’. The Peerorum Map systematizes the extracurricular programs in the school into 6 areas (learning, language, psychology, career, employment, and start-up) and 43 organized categories.

How to apply for the Peerorum?

  There are two ways to apply for the extracurricular program. The first method is to utilize the integrated information system. Log in to the Saemmul portal system, enter the integrated information system, and click ‘Extracurricular subjects' in the student's main menu to apply for program participation. The second method is to click Apply on the 'Peerorum' webpage. After logging in to the Saemmul portal system, click More (+) for extracurricular programs, and then click the Apply button for a program on the Peerorum web page. If you have additional questions, please visit: http://www.smu.ac.kr/extracur/index.do.


SMU website and brochure about Peerorum