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제 12 호 Youth Employment Support Project for 20s Who Are Struggling with COVID-19

  • 작성일 2021-11-22
  • 좋아요 Like 0
  • 조회수 13107


Youth Employment Support Project for 20s Who Are Struggling with COVID-19

By Eugene Ha, Editor


  You're worried about getting a job, right? There will be students who are about to get a job, and also there will be students who are preparing for employment. With the prolonged COVID-19, more and more people in their 20s are complaining of depression due to economic problems, including employment difficulties. I'm sure there are many of you who have the same worries. Don't worry too much! There is a youth employment support project conducted by the Ministry of Employment and Labor! You may have heard of youth employment subsidies, youth additional employment incentives, and youth employment-linked funds at least once. Let's take a look at what are the current subsidies and systems for young people like us!

  Employment is the most worrisome thing for college students. Furthermore, as COVID-19 is prolonged, more and more young people are complaining of depression due to economic problems including employment difficulties.’ Job Korea’, an online job platform, conducted a survey of 995 job seekers preparing for employment in the second half of the year on "employment confidence in the second half." 78.2% of the respondents said, "I feel anxious that I will not be able to get a job within this year." In addition, only 15.8% of the respondents said that the job market in the second half is likely to be better than in the first half. The most common reason for feeling anxious was "Companies that postpone hiring are likely to emerge due to the re-proliferation of COVID-19." (41%) Following deliberate self-harm due to the inability to endure depression, there is a problem of attempting extreme choices. Against this backdrop, some suggested that it is urgent to prepare national measures for young people. Accordingly, the government is implementing various policies for young people. I would like to briefly- introduce them one by one.

Projects currently in place

The National Tomorrow Learning Card’국민내일배움카드훈련과정 | HRD-Net

  The National Tomorrow Learning Card is a system that supports training expenses so that people can conduct vocational competency development training on their own to improve competency development. It is said that students other than the fourth grade of the university who are scheduled to graduate could not be issued, but from the second half of this year, the target was expanded to the third grade of the university. The support limit ranges from 3 million won to 5 million won per person, and 45% to 85% of the training expenses can be received. To apply, you can access the HRD-Net website, watch the video, and sign up for your identity authentication.

‘Tomorrow Fill Deduction’청년내일채움공제 (work.go.kr)

  Fill Deduction is a policy that helps young people who have succeeded in getting a full-time job in small and medium-sized enterprises to work for a long time and raise large sums of money. For example, if a young person collects 3 million won over two years, the government will provide 3 million won in employment maintenance support to companies, accumulating corporate contributions and collecting a total of 12 million won up to 6 million won in government employment support. The subjects are 15 to 34 years old. There is no limit to educational background. However, those who are enrolled in high school or college or taking a leave of absence as of the full-time employment date are excluded.

‘Youth Additional Employment Incentives’고용보험 (ei.go.kr)

  The purpose is to create quality youth jobs by supporting labor costs to small and medium-sized companies that have additionally hired young people as regular workers. The targets are small and medium-sized companies with more than five new employees who have hired young people (15 to 34 years old) as regular workers. It provides up to 9 million won per additional youth recruitment per year for three years. To apply, companies have to prepare necessary documents such as applications for incentives after hiring young people and apply through the employment insurance system. 

‘Youth Employment Support Project’청년고용응원프로젝트 < 청년고용응원 | 온라인청년센터 (youthcenter.go.kr)

  The ‘youth employment service project’ promoted by the Ministry of Employment and Labor provides practical opportunities to prepare for employment, such as strengthening job competency and work experience. A total of five companies, Samsung Electronics, POSCO, SK Hynix, Lotte Group, and Samyang Food, are participating in the cooperation between the government and companies. Each company is in charge of designing and operating various programs, and the government supports recruiting participants, subsequent job placement, and maintaining employment.

- Samsung Electronics’ "Samsung Youth SW Academy"

- POSCO's "For Your Dream" 

- SK Hynix's "Youth High Five".

- Lotte Group's "Feedback on the Results of Those Who Failed to Hire New Employees"

- Samyang Food "Youth Employment Policy Promotion Support" 

If you go to the site, you can check more details. 

The newly announced project

"Youth Job Leap Encouragement"

  The government plans to provide 140,000 people from next year to 2024 by establishing a youth job leap incentive. If small and medium-sized companies hire young people as regular workers, they can receive up to 800,000 won per month and 9.6 million won per year.

"Heart Health Voucher"

For young people suffering from COVID-19, the government plans to establish a mental health voucher system that provides 200,000 won per month for psychological counseling for three months so that about 15,000 people can enjoy it.

  I have introduced youth policies that are useful to know. In addition, much more diverse youth support projects are being implemented and will continue to be implemented, so please pay attention to them. In fact, we need psychological support as well as employment measures. However, we have to find our own way to relieve depression. As job opportunities decrease and meeting appointments decrease, we often feel lethargic and depressed compared to before. I think it would be better to increase your body movement through light walks or exercise and make your own way to express and control your emotions positively!